Alexis Barnes, Law Enforcement Intelligence undergraduate student
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?
I’m originally from Birmingham, Alabama but I’ve lived in Northwest Florida for over 10 years now. After earning the full 100% of the Bright Futures Scholarship in high school, I knew that attending a Florida college was my smartest option. But I specifically chose FSU due to the practicality of the degree programs here; I felt that my time would be best spent in classes that benefited my goals which is exactly what I’ve found in my education at FSU.

What inspired you to choose your degree program?
When I first came to FSU, I was originally majoring in Criminology. Yet, the semester that I was set to apply to the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, I found that the required courses did not align with the work I envisioned myself doing. After doing some research though, I discovered that the Law Enforcement Intelligence program at FSU Panama City was a perfect fit for me. Between the fast-paced classes, the incredibly experienced professors, and the applicability to real-world situations, I have found that LEI is the program for me.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
So far, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing instructors who have taught me a multitude of skills that I’m already using in my professional career. Additionally, the networking opportunities I’ve encountered in accordance with the rare job shadowing and internship opportunities the LEI program presents have been an unbelievable benefit.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
Personally, I’ve found the real-world cases to be by far the most fascinating aspect of my education. Getting the chance to hear from the first responders that reported to the scenes and the detectives that worked the cases have been beneficial in my understanding of the basis of my area of study.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
Dr. Frank Marmo has shown compassion and understanding far beyond what I would have ever expected. In a heartfelt essay written to his students, Dr. Marmo stated, “Traumatic events will impact us, giving us the opportunity for traumatic growth.” He explained that with enough belief in yourself and hard work, any setback can become a turning point for new opportunities. Additionally, Professor Chris Griggs has gone out of his way to ensure that the curriculum taught and instructed is tailored to the students’ needs of the program. Finally, Dana Smith has been a fantastic program specialist during my time under her instruction. When I first left Tallahassee and switched to going online at Panama City, she was my biggest academic supporter of chasing what I wanted. I am so blessed and grateful to have had such caring and passionate faculty overseeing my education during my time here.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing school work?
Between school and work, I love to cook, read and spend time with the people I love. Living near the water, I like the beach, but I’d prefer the solitude of hiking in the mountains than being anywhere else. My favorite thing to do is anything that allows me to live slowly and be at peace.
After you graduate, what are your plans?
I plan to complete my internship in financial crimes in Northwest Florida and pursue the prosecution of suspects in major fraud rings across the globe. Afterward, I want to continue into financial crimes and learn as much information as I can before making further career decisions.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
The best piece I was ever given was by the most influential person in academia, that I’ve ever had the pleasure of studying under. When discussing my future career, he told me, “No matter how hard you want something or how much passion you have, just remember that no one is ever going to pave the way for you.” That single sentence became my mantra throughout my studies and my professional career as a reminder that talent, desire, and love of the cause may be enough to get you started, but hard work will be what paves the way.