David Feliciano, a wildlife park ranger and transfer student, is captivated by the renowned CSI program.
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?
I was born and raised in Orlando, Florida, but my family is from Bayamon, Puerto Rico. I chose to attend FSU Panama City as a transfer student specifically for its Crime Scene Investigation bachelor’s degree program. I’ve met many alumni of FSU’s CSI program while I got my associate degree at Valencia College, and ever since then, I’ve always wanted to be a part of it. Particularly, the Underwater CSI certification I find wildly interesting.
What inspired you to choose your degree program?
I currently work as a wildlife park ranger for the Department of Environmental Protection, and my plan is to move up to the law enforcement positions of my agency. This CSI program is essential in giving me the experience and academics to prepare for such a career path.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
Incredible. I have never been as invested in an academic program as I am now. The professors are all fantastic and many hold real work experience and advice.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
Frankly, the Ballistics and Toolmark examination portion of my class I find very fascinating. I shoot sporting competitions and collect/repair military antiques as a hobby. So applying the knowledge that I have learned in my hobby to my degree is very satisfying.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
It is very hard to choose, however, the three professors who have really inspired me are Koren Daniels, Scott Ervin, and Charla Perdue. I’ve gotten to know all of them personally now, and each one has been a joy to learn from. I hope to be as jolly as them one day, working in a field such as this.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing school work?
I’m a big outdoors guy and love hiking, fishing, swimming, and exploring new areas. I’m a military antique collector and often repair/restore old firearms. I also shoot in competitions on occasion. I love playing video games and attending live concerts.
After you graduate, what are your plans?

I will definitely be using this degree to achieve a career in wildlife law enforcement. My ultimate goal is to work for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s SOG or special operations group. It’s not easy to get in, but this degree will definitely help.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
Honestly, I’d say to pick the brains of your professors and fellow students. I have learned so much from just meeting people alone. It has allowed me to make connections and get my name out there in a field where many people are connected.