Doug Williams, ‘23, Corporate and Public Communication graduate student
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?
I was born and raised in Jacksonville Florida, and I graduated from Eckerd
College in St. Petersburg Florida. The academic achievements and prestige of Florida State University inspired me greatly to come here. Also, my dad is an FSU alum which influenced me as well.
What inspired you to choose your degree program?
My desire for knowledge motivated me to pursue a degree program. I wasn't perfectly satisfied with my BA in Sociology and Communication; I wanted something more intellectually stimulating, and I was privileged to be accepted into my current degree program.
What has your experience been so far in the program?

My experience has been amazing and has elevated my confidence and intellectual
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
The aspect of my area of study that I find the most compelling is how powerful communication is and the value that it brings for individuals and corporations.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
Shoutout to Dr. Parker, Dr. Sellers, Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Clark, Stephanie Smith, and Cristina Doan. These faculty members have all had a huge impact on me in some form or another, and I'm sure they’ve had an impact on many other students as well. If you see them, be sure to say hello.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing schoolwork?
When I’m not doing schoolwork, I like to work out, play basketball, go to the beach, make music, or play video games
After you graduate, what are your plans?
After graduation, I hope to do something fun and impactful to all aspects of life.
Maybe I’ll apply for a PHD program.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
Remind yourself daily that no matter the circumstances or what the day may bring, you are living the dream, the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. gave us. We are blessed enough to be able to live his dream as he was unable to do so. Be grateful for the many opportunities presented to you and take advantage of them.