Professional Communication undergrad, Riani Pokipala will take over her parent’s business upon graduation.
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I was born and raised in Orlando, but I am Hawaiian and Samoan by descent. Florida State University has been a beloved school in my household because of a scholarship program they have that allowed my father to receive his higher education when I was a child. I moved to Panama City Beach to support my parent’s business in the panhandle after attending college in Hawaii for several years. I wanted to complete my degree and learned of an FSU campus nearby. The programs at FSU Panama City perfectly supplemented my previous collegiate pursuits and the experience I was gaining through my family’s company.

Student Spotlight: Professional Communication undergrad, Riani Pokipala will take over her parent’s business
upon graduation.
What inspired you to choose your degree program?
When I applied to FSU, I was contacted by a staff member in Admissions about pursuing Professional Communication based on my transfer credits and application essays. She advised me that my long-term goals and résumé aligned very well with what the Communication degree offered as an applied studies program. I think it was the best decision I ever made in college.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
I am grateful for the faculty and staff members of the Professional Communication program. Each instructor I have had has been so attentive to my needs and strengths, so much so that I have received very personalized mentoring that has helped me in the competitive career field. What we learn as students in this program is so relevant to the fast-paced changes in this modern age as technology and the media encourages more transparency and trustworthy information. There is a deep camaraderie among the students in this program and I honestly feel that we are cheering one another on and sustaining each other’s goals.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
I love that the Communication program is all about connections, whether it be from businesses to customers, managers, to employees or simply parents to children. Disseminating information and creating meaningful relationships, both on a professional and personal basis, are two things that I greatly value and always want to improve on. My studies in this field perfectly align with how I want others to associate with my character and I strive for it to translate into my business endeavors.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
Dr. Parker and Dr. Lawrence are two faculty members that have been the most influential to me. Since I started at FSU, I had them both as instructors every semester until there weren’t any more classes I could take from them. They have both fueled my passion for this career field and encouraged me to take on any opportunity to put what I’ve learned into practice. I have also been fortunate to learn from Dr. Reed and Dr. Sellers since they first began their careers at FSU. I love all of their teaching styles and how they incorporated their decorated résumés into our curriculum.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing school work?
I enjoy spending time with my little family and going sightseeing. We love living along the Gulf Coast and getting to explore what local businesses and the natural landscape have to offer, whether it be finding a new restaurant we enjoy or discovering a quaint park with a view.
After you graduate, what are your plans?

Riani takes part in the family business, bringing Asian Pacific Polynesian dance to FSU PC.
I aspire to fully take over my parent’s Polynesian entertainment company. For over 30 years, my father and mother have successfully shared our island heritage with audiences all over the world and I hope to solidify the Emerald Coast as another base for us. This business has been able to provide for my family my entire life and I hope to relieve the burden from my loving parents and take it to the next level.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
I encourage every student to take advantage of every opportunity to build their network and learn from those contacts. Who you know in the professional world is just as important as what you know. Fostering mutually-beneficial connections will add to your credibility and open up endless doors to make your dreams a reality.