Graduate student chooses FSU PC nurse anesthesia doctoral program

Cristina Doan


Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?

I live in Tifton, Georgia. The faculty of the Florida State anesthesia program has a reputation of truly caring about their students and being committed to the success of their students in the classroom, the OR, and beyond.

What inspired you to choose your degree program?

I always wanted to be a nurse. When I was in high school, I landed an internship working in the operating room at my local hospital, and it was there that I was exposed to the anesthesia profession, and I’ve been obsessed ever since.

What has your experience been so far in the program?

I can honestly say that the rigors of this program have been very formative and at the same time so rewarding. 

What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?

The chemistry and pharmacology involved in the practice of anesthesia. I have also been fascinated by the opportunities to help people this program has to offer via Dr. VanDyke.

Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?

Dr. Hodges has truly pushed me as a student and helped me grow as a professional.

What do you like to do when you’re not doing schoolwork?

I truly enjoy spending as much time as possible with my family.

After you graduate, what are your plans?

I plan to return to South Georgia to practice. I am giving thought to becoming involved in academics, but time will tell.

What advice do you have for fellow students?

Never give up on yourself; always believe in your dream.

Nurse Anesthesia
