Matthew Stephenson, a natural extrovert, made the professional communication program a perfect fit for him.
Student Spotlight: Matthew Stephenson
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I am from right here in Panama City, Florida. Before going to FSU PC, I attended Gulf Coast State College to obtain my Associates degree. I was raised a Seminole fan. My grandparents and parents have been long time Seminole football boosters. Both my paternal grandparents went to FSU. My mom went to FSU PC and my dad is an FSU Law grad. FSU was just the natural choice for me.
What inspired you to choose your degree program?
My mentors and counselors all advised me to major in something that I love and enjoy. I have always enjoyed talking to people and building relationships. Thus, I decided to major in Professional Communications.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
I have loved every single bit of it! As a naturally extroverted person, the professional communications program has fit me perfectly. I get to hone my skills as a communicator and do what I love. What could be better than that?
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
My favorite aspect has been the relationship building, specifically the interpersonal relationships. I took the Interpersonal Relations class my first semester at FSU PC, and it turned out to be favorite class I’ve ever taken (high school, college, best. class. ever).
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
While all the faculty and staff have been nothing short of incredible, if I had to pick one that has helped me the most, it would have to be Dr. Lawrence. This semester will be the fourth class I’ve taken with her. Her style of teaching is fantastic. She seems to understand how our brains, as college students, work. She really works hard to tailor her lectures to help us understand and grasp the concepts better.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing schoolwork?
I am an avid outdoorsman. I love to be in the woods or on the water. I go hunting, fishing, biking and love spending time enjoying God’s creation. Speaking of God, I am also a very active member at my church, Emerald Coast Fellowship, a member of Collide College Ministry, and one of the leaders of the Devotion “Noles” Bible study at FSU PC. I am also the current interim secretary of the Communication Club at FSU PC. I also taught myself how to play the ukulele, the guitar, and I am currently working on learning the mandolin.
After you graduate, what are your plans?
I plan to graduate this upcoming summer and attend law school. If all goes as planned, I will be attending law school in Tallahassee at FSU Law School.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
Chase enjoyment and satisfaction, not money. The issue I hear most often is a student getting a year or two into a program and being absolutely miserable. If you are a square peg, do not try and force yourself through a round hole. Do something you are naturally good at something, you will find success; and typically, success, in any field, typically means dollar bills.