Rooted in a passion for patient care, doctoral candidate in nurse anesthesia practice program, Janneza King selects FSU Panama City
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?
I’m originally from a small town on the east coast of Florida called Cocoa Beach. I chose the doctoral nurse anesthesia program at FSU Panama City due to its outstanding reputation, emphasis on practical experience, knowledgeable faculty, and the promising opportunities it offers for my future career in anesthesia.

What inspired you to choose your degree program?
Choosing to pursue a doctoral degree in nurse anesthesia was a decision that aligned perfectly with my professional aspirations and personal interests. Several reasons motivated my choice but overall, the decision to pursue a doctoral degree in nurse anesthesia was rooted in my passion for patient care, the dynamic and challenging nature of the field, and the personal fulfillment it brings.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
The program demands an intense level of commitment, dedication, and academic rigor.
The coursework, clinical rotations, and the volume of information covered are immensely demanding. The depth and breadth of the material require a high level of intellectual engagement and an ability to grasp complex concepts quickly. Additionally, the practical application of knowledge in high-stakes situations during clinical practice adds another layer of difficulty.
The hours of study, clinical experience, and the responsibility of mastering various anesthesia techniques, pharmacology, and patient care are notably intense. Balancing the academic workload with practical training and often juggling other personal or professional commitments can add to the overall difficulty.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
Each of the instructors in the anesthesia program at FSU Panama City have been nothing short of exceptional. Their dedication, expertise, and commitment to our growth and success have made a profound impact on our educational journey.
Dr. VanDyke has been an inspiration and what stands out most is her unwavering support for students. Dr. Hodges has created learning opportunities that will make me a strong provider one day. Dr. Hogan continues to remain a reminder of the importance of humility in the field while remaining an esteemed speaker in the anesthesia community. Dr. Smith has always had an open-door policy and a willingness to address our concerns or questions, whether in or out of the classroom. Dr. Stewart is probably the most enthusiastic instructor I have ever had in my academic career. They all not only serve as educators but as mentors, readily available to provide guidance, advice, and encouragement.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing schoolwork?
Nap. I truly enjoy napping.
After you graduate, what are your plans?
I’d love to have a job.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
Stay organized, embrace challenges, practice self-care, and continue to show up.