Rhode Island Student Chooses FSU Panama City Law Enforcement Intelligence Program
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU Panama City?
I am from Rhode Island, originally. I chose to come to FSU Panama City primarily for the opportunity to join the Underwater Crime Scene Investigation certificate program and the Law Enforcement Intelligence bachelor’s degree program. Additionally, I always knew I wanted to live in Florida, so FSU Panama City was the ideal choice all around. (Who doesn’t want to study on the beach?)

What inspired you to choose your degree program?
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with police and detective work, specifically as it relates to psychology. After reviewing many programs throughout the state of Florida, I decided that FSU’s Law Enforcement Intelligence bachelor’s degree program was one of my top choices and given that the Underwater Crime Scene Investigation certificate program was there for the taking as well, I was happy with my decision to come here.
What has your experience been so far in the program?
So far, I have loved learning about intelligence gathering in law enforcement and the psychological aspects that go along with it. I have also enjoyed learning about different intelligence gathering techniques that are used in the field. I love the environment and the professors. They are all very kind and understanding and seem genuinely interested in what they are teaching, which encourages me to do better in school.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
I find areas involving psychological profiling to be the most intriguing, as well as any and all work having to do with underwater investigations.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
The professors that have inspired me the most would have to be Adam Wendt. As a dive instructor and educator, he makes learning so much fun while ensuring everyone is safe and understanding everything that is going on; and Dr. Banyon Pelham, as he has many stories to tell and is always excited about what he teaches.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing schoolwork?
When I am not doing schoolwork, I enjoy scuba diving, swimming, reading and writing. I also enjoy working as an actress, spending time with my wonderful boyfriend, and talking to God.
After you graduate, what are your plans?
After graduating with my Law Enforcement Intelligence bachelor’s degree, I plan on continuing my education by pursuing two master’s degree programs, one in law enforcement intelligence and the other in psychology. I hope, someday, to join the FBI.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
To my fellow students, I would advise if you don’t already, learn to enjoy reading. It doesn’t matter what it is, just read. Reading has helped me so much; it has made my writing so much better, which is so beneficial for college courses. Work hard in school and get your assignments done early; do not wait until the last minute. Finally, make sure you set aside time to do activities outside school and work that you enjoy. It’s very important to keep yourself happy and sane.