Jordan Cox is in the Organizational Management and Communication Master’s program
Where are you from? Why did you choose to attend FSU?
I was born in Torrance, California but I currently live in Huntsville, Alabama. I chose to pursue my Master’s degree through FSU because I wanted to challenge myself in a program that was ranked among the highest public universities in the United States.
What inspired you to choose your degree program?
To be completely transparent, I stumbled upon the Organizational Management and Communication Master’s program. While looking for Master’s degrees online, I saw an advertisement for a summer showcase at FSU via Zoom. I decided to attend the informational summer showcase last year and met many of the faculty and staff members. Each one of them were genuinely engaged in learning about who I was, where I was from, and what I did for work. I was able to get all of my questions answered, and I felt as though this would be the right program for me to obtain my degree in. I’m happy I made that decision.

What has your experience been so far in the program?
I’ve had a great experience thus far as a graduate student at FSU. Initially, the one concern I had entering into my graduate program was how rigid the courses would be, and whether or not there would be any accommodations made to fit my work schedule. All of the professors I’ve had so far have made this worry go away due to the flexibility of the classes. Also, I have been able to correlate course materials with events that transpire in my day-to-day life, which I find to be useful.
What aspect of your area of study do you find most fascinating?
The thing I’ve found most fascinating is the complexity of communication. Communication is something we all do consistently; however, there are so many aspects to communication such as language, culture, and nature to name a few. I enjoy delving into these topics on a more micro level vice staying at a macro level.
Who are the faculty or staff members that have helped or inspired you?
Since I’ve entered the Organizational Management and Communication Master’s Program I have been impressed with all of the faculty and staff members. Faculty and staff members such as Dr. Amy Polick, Ms. Andressa Sleiman, Ms. Cristina Doan, Dr. Laurie Lawrence, Dr. Abigail Reed, and Dr. Nick Sellers continually amaze me with their knowledge and professionalism. Each of these individuals have played a role in my maturation of this program. I look forward to more interrelations with these members, and others, throughout my time as a graduate student.
What do you like to do when you’re not doing school work?
In my spare time I enjoy working out, playing soccer, working on my car, and listening to music.
After you graduate, what are your plans?
Currently, I work as an analyst at the Missile Defense Agency. After I graduate, my plan is to take a trip to drive to the West Coast of the United States and visit a few locations, with my final destination being San Diego.
What advice do you have for fellow students?
The best advice I can give to fellow students is to put your head down and work. Do not be deterred by what others may think. If you have a goal, continue to be positive and patience throughout the process of achieving your goal.