Graduate Certificate Law Enforcement Intelligence Program

Prevent. Respond. Investigate.

Learn to plan and carry out intelligence and surveillance operations in dynamic security settings at the federal, state and local level. The public safety & security program integrates practical exercises with theoretical principles to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities required by a variety of jobs in law enforcement, security, intelligence services and investigative agencies.

The College of Applied Studies, Public Safety and Security, offers a Law Enforcement Intelligence (LEI) graduate certificate that may be earned independently or as part of a master's degree.

Our focus is on law enforcement intelligence. Courses include theory and methodology and are relevant to many careers in law enforcement and public safety and security.

Our mission is to rigorously challenge our students through four courses. These courses will provide students with the theory and practical experience as law enforcement intelligence professionals.

Our goal is to produce a student capable of providing a logical and accurate intelligence product when faced with the uncertainty of a law enforcement situation.

Admission Requirements

Students must apply for admission to Florida State University. Students may be enrolled in any graduate program at FSU, or they may apply for non-degree seeking student status to complete the certificate coursework. All applicants must apply online to FSU using the online application portal.

Non-Degree Seeking Application Deadlines
Spring – December 1        Summer – May 1    Fall – August 1

Applicants (degree-seeking and non-degree seeking) are required to have a 3.0 upper-division undergraduate GPA and be in good academic standing with their previous university.

Student must complete a separately required program application (see Quick Links for the program application) and submit it to Cristina Doan at along with the following documents prior to the completion of the second course in the LEI graduate certificate program: 

  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Current resume
  • Statement of professional career goals
  • Unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary institutions.

Students must have an undergraduate degree in law enforcement intelligence or an undergraduate degree with the necessary pre-requisites.

  • Required pre-requisites: CCJ 4072 (Crime Mapping & Analysis) & CJE 3732 (Criminal Intelligence)

To earn a graduate certificate, students must: 

  • Complete the required number of graduate credit hours (12) from the approved list of courses within a two-year time frame from when the course of study begins.
  • Earn a grade of “B” or higher (3.0 CUM GPA) in each of the graduate level courses. Non-degree seeking students pursuing the LEI graduate certificate must earn a grade of “B” or higher (3.0 CUM GPA) in each of the graduate level courses. 
  • Complete and submit the Certificate Completion Request (see Quick Links for request) at the beginning of the term in which the requirements for the certificate will be completed. 

Coursework in the certificate

DSC5595 Human Intelligence Collection (offered fall)

  • This course examines techniques utilized to collect intelligence from confidential sources, assets, and cooperating witnesses through interviewing, interrogation and elicitation. The student will be exposed to various methods to vet human sources and to uncover infiltration by hostile agencies and/or criminal organizations.

CCJ5748 Advanced Evidentiary Reasoning for Criminal Intelligence (offered fall)

  • This course focuses on the production of intelligence from the analysis of multiple and diverse sources of information and on its use by formal and informal intelligence agencies. Emphasis is placed on the development of models for making decisions on information that is uncertain and from diverse sources. Techniques will be examined for collecting and using both qualitative and quantitative data as it relates to the role of local public safety and security personnel and organizations as both producers and consumers of intelligence and on their relationship to the formal intelligence agencies.

CCJ5079 Managing Intelligence Analysis Functions (offered spring)

  • Advanced law enforcement intelligence operations rely heavily on software applications and data management tools. This course addresses the advanced functions of crime mapping, crime analysis, intelligence dissemination, oversight of intelligence function and error. Familiarity and sufficient computer competency forms the basis of all course materials.

CCJ 5616 Profiling Criminal Behavior (offered summer)

  • This course introduces the major issues, influences and trends considered in the behavioral analysis of criminal activity. Specifically offender profiling will be examined as an educated attempt to identify the types of individuals that would have committed a certain crime. Behavior profiling methods are explored to identify behavioral characteristics of offenders and the evidence the offenders leave behind. Course material includes explanation and analysis of theory as it applies to human behavior.

Graduate Certificate in Faculty

John T. Andrews PSS faculty
Teaching Faculty
Lucy Hoover
Teaching Faculty
Banyon Pelham
Teaching Faculty

Graduate Certificate Law Enforcement Intelligence Advisor

Cristina Doan
Graduate Coordinator
Banyon Pelham
Teaching Faculty