Bias Awareness in Public Safety and Security Minor

Program Office: College of Applied Studies FSU Panama City - Office Building rm. 108, (850) 770-2280 or email

Minor Description: The Bias Awareness in Public Safety and Security minor seeks to improve student’s understanding of the necessity of bias awareness, gender and cultural sensitivity and the importance of diversity in the career fields related to Public Safety and Security.  The minor program will provide training using diverse backgrounds, ideas, and methods of teaching.  Courses have been designed to re-educate and eliminate racial, religious, and gender stereotypes. The minor in Bias Awareness in Public Safety and Security requires 12 hours of courses and only coursework with a C- or better will count toward the completion of the minor.  The minor is available at both the Tallahassee (online) and the Panama City Campus (online and face-to-face).

Minor Requirements: The Bias Awareness in Public Safety and Security requires completion of 12 credit hours from the following courses:

Required Courses (6 hours)
CCJ 3678 (3hrs) Policing Diversity, Race, Gender, Religion and Crime 
CJE 3450 (3hrs) Bias Awareness in Public Safety and Security 

Minor Elective Courses:  Select 2 Courses from the following (6 hours)
CJE 3280 (3hrs) Women on All Sides of the Law 
CJJ 3013 (3hrs) Youth Culture and Crime 
CJE 3703 (3hrs) Black and White: Recognizing Disparities in the Criminal Justice System